New Era: the time has come- Fox set to Release Documentary on Dale Earnhardt jr and JEFF GORDON: A Deep Dive into the lives of two NASCAR legends…full details
In 2025, FOX Sports Films, in collaboration with NASCAR Productions and DLP Media Group, released “Unrivaled: Earnhardt vs. Gordon,” a documentary that delves into the intense rivalry and profound friendship between NASCAR legends Dale Earnhardt and Jeff Gordon.
The film explores how the contrasting personalities and driving styles of Earnhardt and Gordon captivated fans and elevated NASCAR’s popularity. Earnhardt, known as “The Intimidator,” embodied the gritty, blue-collar racer, while Gordon represented a new wave of drivers with a polished image. Their on-track battles not only thrilled audiences but also highlighted a generational shift within the sport.
Featuring interviews with key figures such as team owners Rick Hendrick and Richard Childress, crew chiefs Ray Evernham and Larry McReynolds, and Earnhardt’s son, Dale Earnhardt Jr., the documentary provides an intimate look into the dynamics that fueled their rivalry and mutual respect.
“Unrivaled: Earnhardt vs. Gordon” received positive reviews for its comprehensive portrayal of the drivers’ relationship and its impact on NASCAR. The film’s premiere attracted 854,000 viewers, marking it as FS1’s most-watched original film debut at the time.
For those interested in viewing the documentary, it is available on various streaming platforms and may be aired periodically on FOX Sports channels. Fans can also watch the official trailer for a glimpse into the film’s content. citeturn0search3
“Unrivaled: Earnhardt vs. Gordon” stands as a testament to how competition can foster mutual respect and friendship, leaving an indelible mark on the history of motorsports.